
The technical skills and programming languages

Work Experience

Business Development Intern - Panggilin

Being a business developer entails various responsibilities such as assisting in project execution for clients, helping the Business Development team find good leads, sending approximately 2000 emails to leads, and maintaining strong relationships with clients, partners, and users. Additionally, I also design and create email templates for the company using HTML and CSS.

Project Experience

1 December 2021 - Stotes Mobile App

Stotes Mobile is a workspace mobile application that helps organizing your daily tasks and makes sure your remote work gets finished on time. Create projects and invite your team members to keep you guys all on the same page. Next comes the fun part—tasks! Creators of the workspace can start adding tasks with their: deadline, PIC, type, and description. They can also create meetings, that state the date and time as well as the link to the meeting.


Back-End Developer

Tech Stack: Django, Flutter, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS

Application Link

Gitlab Link

Project Experience

1 June 2022 - Elshop

Elshop is an online store for buying and selling PC parts and other electronics. With the emergence of our application, we hope to expedite the sale and purchase of electronic goods, allowing customers to pick out electronic items in accordance with the specifications they desired. Elshop provides a platform for electronics enthusiasts to be able to search for their suitable and desired goods.


Full-Stack Developer

Tech Stack: Springboot, JS, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS

Website Link (Disabled)

Gitlab Link

Project Experience

1 June 2023 - mencint.AI

mencint.AI application is a chatbot designed to serve as a means of socializing between users and Artificial Intelligence, providing them with new feelings and experiences in artificial social interactions that may not be found in real-life social environments.


UI UX Designer

Tech Stack: Figma, UEQ

Prototype Link

Document Link

Project Experience

1 June 2023 - LIDAR Point Cloud Segmenter

An iOS app that can be used to scan points in the real-world using the scene's depth data and save it to text. The application main ability is to segment the scanned points and visualize to get distance between objects and volume of objects. It segments using the AI with two different available methods, Dynamic Graph CNN and Point Transformer + Contrast Boundary Learning. It separates the result for each class and, using convex hull, approximates the volume of each objects.


Front-End Developer

Tech Stack: Next.js, Swift, React, Tailwind CSS, Docker, PostgreSQL

Website Link

Gitlab Link


Benedictus Jevan Winata

Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

Phone: +62 82258793005